Maybe not as you might think... Drones are now being used to inspect radio towers. A very dangerous but needed task, that has just had a bit of the danger reduced.
Instead of climbing the towers, sometimes taking all day per tower, now in part can be done by drones and their cameras and infrared systems.
These in some respects are even better than a personal look. The views can be reviewed over and over, focused in on trouble spots or concerns that the tower inspector may miss if not in the shear issue of staying in tune with the current danger of the climb up inspecting, and carrying equipment.
This does not replace a tower climber, normally two at a time, but helps them focus on the needed areas more.
Drones are limited currently to 500 feet height and must remain in the controllers vision. However, the FAA is looking at lifting some of those restrictions in the near future...
The application is huge for radio and TV, now the commercials take on a whole new quality, image, that before could only be achieved at an enormous cost.
We are incorporating video in our players now, this is the next direction for Studio3fm as I am sure many others will soon follow...
We are in a new generation of media that really took many by surprise. Still many refuse to look to the future of video, audio streaming, mobile apps, live remote cast, podcast and more.
Studio3fm, launched into this industry over 10 years ago when nobody but just a few techies even had a clue of what was coming.
We are one of the few stations , maybe the only one, that does R&D for the industry for new ways to reach our audience all over the world...