As the country appears to have a more"lacks" focus mainly do to a more uneducated generation after generation effect compounding the lack of knowledge and freedoms to a "tolerance" of terroristic behavior among it's people.
The core of this is directly traced to one thing. One area of our society who has taken to this "lacks" position over the last 40-60 years, with the pulse taking great life in the sixties...
It is the church... We have continually went down a path of diluting God's word tremendously over the years... We the church, have not stood firm in the solid principles and guidance the Lord gave to us.
Yes, the free spirited, the drugs, the adulterated sex, the lack of morals itself are there prominently, but those are symptoms, not the disease, the disease is the lack of the Lord's people obeying and speaking His word...
This weekend as we remember those who serve and have fallen, remember, they fell for our freedom to serve God like no other country can... Stand firm... America can't stand without God and His people serving... God gives the choice, turn and stand firm with Him, or we will surely fall...
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