Friday, June 5, 2015

Building Time

Building time is something that for the most part, is not taught in public education and rarely in private schools.

Building time is taking your time and multiplying out your hours in the day. We all have 24 hours, that is a given. However, a person can take that 24&  Build into  unlimited hours as "leveraging" your time.

Look at your standard work place. The goal for a business is to grow. The founder still has 24 hours a day, but yet he or she is accomplishing 10,000 hours a day in work.

The hours are called employees. Employees are working and the founder is taking a percentage off from each person's effort. Creating hopefully a business of wealth.

This option is not as readily available anymore as it once was. So now what?

Options are still extremely huge. You just need to know where to look, how to research the options the best way for the correct results and a focus or goal on the direction you want to accomplish that goal.

There is online marketing. That is leveraging your time to the world time clock. This can be very rewarding, but difficult to get on the right road to start off and maintain. 

So what else is there? One of the most effective way is Channel marketing. You are like a franchise, so the risk have been hugely eliminated. The cost is very low to get started. The rewards are very high. BUT, to be successful in anything, you must be diligent in your efforts, persistent, build your business with integrity, and following the path that the company has laid out for you that has already had the bumps smoothed out, the road straightened, and the focus is clear on the objective.

Let me back up a second up three paragraphs again. There are over 4400 channel marketing companies in the US alone. There are probably realistically about a dozen or less that you are fairly safe in working through in having the main things down not good but great.

Here are some tips in researching...
      Company history of performance and public eye.
      Structure, have they had to change the pay structure over the years. This can be a warning sign.
      Product lines, are they a step up in quality, not just hype?
      Cost of starting and SECURITY.

          There are many, in fact most, that have clauses in their contracts, that allows them to change your contract at will, and even take your business away at their discretion. I have seen this over and over. 

Right now, there is only one I know of that has all of above, but most of all , protects your business as your business and very difficult for anyone to take away from you.

The only company I have found that fits all of the above is a company called Avisae.

Build your time, get more hours of production, and less hours you are producing, and build a future.

I have provided a link to Avisae  if you want to learn more about them or send me an email, and I will forward some great material your way.  Avisae link

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